Sound Healing

  • on healing //

    “Healing is the process of restoring yourself, so that you may grow into a more enlightened version of yourself. Not because you are not whole, but because you are infinite.

    Your healing is not underminded by the pain you have experienced. Your healing is yours alone. Your experiences may help shape you as a person, but they don’t own you. You are allowed to decide on the person you grow into.

    You create yourself, within your own healing journey.”

    〰 Tahlee Clarke Campbell

sound healing is…


Sound healing is a form of vibrational healing. Listening is something that is intuitive. We have all connected to music and sound personally in some form. It is such a powerful healing tool because while something like meditation takes discipline to learn and practice, listening is something we connect to emotionally, without much effort.

We will all connect with Sound healing differently. For some it is a beautiful method of mindfulness or relaxation. An act to add into ceremony, or meditation. For others a creative soundtrack to artistic projects or introspective practices like journalling. None are wrong. The beauty of this beautiful medium is that it is ours to explore and feel.

When used as a healing tool, sound provides vibrations that can stimulate and influence the energy within us. Sometimes sparking emotions within us that would like to be seen or heard. They can likewise help facilitate change in these emotinal seeds within us. When used in conjunction with other healing modalities, they make for a powerful and beautiful medium for change.



  • Just like some practices that help you delve into and connect with your energy and emotions, such as yoga or meditation. Sound healing can help you connect with and uncover some of our deeper consciousness. This can mean that the experience of sound can stir beautiful memories, help us recall deep passions and also some uncomfortable sounds too.

    However, you should always remember that this experience is your own. You alone know if you are in the right space and time to feel these things. So always go at your own pace. If you feel that what you are stirring up is timely and that you are safe and supported, dive on in. If you are unsure or would like some support in this journey, reach out to us. We would love to accompany you on this journey.

  • Sound can be a very deep experience for some of us, sometimes it’s a beautiful space to rest (or fall asleep … or snore!).

    Sound can be a wonderful anchor to help us delve into meditative states. You can use sound to program your emotions, or to learn to delve a little deeper into them too. How often have you gone on a walk or run and picked an appropriate playlist?

    During a Sound Healing we might have a beautiful experience of rest, some sounds might facilitate different feelings like joy, gratitide, grief or a depth of feeling. Sound can bring us things that are wanting to surface and be felt. BUT you are in control of the experience. Simple movement and breath can help us feel empowered in experiencing these things on our terms. Tahlee will guide you through how to best experience Sound in your session.

  • We are not quite ready just yet! We are in the process of getting keys to our new Healing Space. However, we are crowdfunding Healing! if you would like to invest in some personal healing while supporting The Healing Body you can purchase an investiment package. We have a few options to choose from, they are giftable and will also entitle you to 10% off any future bookings for the next 6 months as wee thank you from us. Find out more below with our thanks.