Reiki + energetics

  • on healing //

    “Healing is the process of restoring yourself, so that you may grow into a more enlightened version of yourself. Not because you are not whole, but because you are infinite.

    Your healing is not underminded by the pain you have experienced. Your healing is yours alone. Your experiences may help shape you as a person, but they don’t own you. You are allowed to decide on the person you grow into.

    You create yourself, within your own healing journey.”

    〰 Tahlee Clarke Campbell

reiki is…


Reiki is the practice of channelling the energy that exists all around us, and within us. It is a positive practice that intuitively works with our greatest good in mind. Reiki works with the premise of ‘life-force energy’ or prana, chi, qi + universal love; are all variations of this energetic theory.

Reiki is a secular practice, formalised in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui as a form of healing for physical, spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive, healing modality performed face-to-face, or via distance. The pracitioner channels energy into the person recieving the healing with a particular intention for the purpose of their connection, well-being and emotional or spiritual alignment.

Energy can manifest in the body in different ways over time. As we grow, develop and experience life, our emotions, negative experiences and trauma can store within the developing body and mind. These experiences can sometimes take root and influence the decisions we make as we live. Reiki can help to uncover some of these experiences, so they they are revealed to us.

You are the heart of it.

When we reveal these experiences, we can start to work our way through the impact they’ve had within us, consciously make the decision to re-shape and re-define how these experiences sit within us and our identities. So that we can grow and move forward into our true Selves.



  • Not at all. Reiki is a beautiful practice to help invite in some relaxation and calm. Or to help us delve into some deeper self-work. They are intuitively facilitated, meaning what you need will invite it’s way into your session.

  • Reiki sessions are non-invasive. All of our consultations are online via Zoom. Depending on if you combine Reiki with any other modailities we offer, your session can be conducted completely via distance. Intuitively conducted by Tahlee with a mindful follow up contact. Or you can run the whole session live too. You will discuss with Tahlee why you have been drawn to the practice of Reiki, and what you would like to delve into in your session.

    Healings themselves can guide you seek within your own lives. So you might have a sense of ‘knowing’ during or after your session. You will have support along every stage of your healing with us here at Heart Space.

  • We are not quite ready just yet! We are in the process of getting keys to our new Healing Space. However, we are crowdfunding Healing! if you would like to invest in some personal healing while supporting The Healing Body you can purchase an investiment package. We have a few options to choose from, they are giftable and will also entitle you to 10% off any future bookings for the next 6 months as wee thank you from us. Find out more below with our thanks.